Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A starting point somewhere in the middle

Hi All! I figure it is time now to open up some reflections to the world as a way for folks to get to know me. As I prepare for ordination in the Episcopal Church, there is always something to reflect on, whether it is my own steps toward the next chapter in life or observations on the stumbles and successes of my beloved church.
Beyond and around these topics though is my family, presently two young adults and one very young adult. Well, at least Naomi seems like a young adult, as she laughs at jokes, tries to play games with us, protests going to bed, and generally laughs at everything like a healthy person. The only problem is she is 17 months old and has about 5 words at her command! She's a peach, though. My loving bride Nancy, who has agreed to follow me on the seemingly insane life course is worth every humanitarian award there is. I'll post pictures of us at some point.
So, with all these inputs into my life, there is plenty to pay attention to as things constantly change. Hence our title, Transitional Life. Enjoy and see you soon.

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