Thursday, January 31, 2008

Transisions continue

OK, so I'm not that great with regular blogging. Since I last posted I flew through graduation, my son's birth, ordination to the deaconate, starting my first full job as a minister, the start of the program year in my parish, ordination to the priesthood, my first Eucharist, my first Christmas as a priest, my first wedding as celebrant, my first funeral as celebrant, and now I think there aren't many more firsts left. I haven't done a baptism yet, but I am sure that will happen soon.
I am getting the idea that the tougher part of a transition is after the change has been made. Now I have to live with what I am and what I do, whereas before it was only a thought experiment. Now memories of this life are being laid down in my mind, and now my identity is being reformed around these new roles that before were only possibilities and conjectures. The transition then has only begun. Somewhere down the road I will be more fully actualized as this priest that I am. Right now I have very little to go on to find stability and strength in this identity.
All I have is the faith that was expressed in the beginning of this process by the many committees and people that entered my life and helped me to discern (to see more clearly) what God was calling me to. Now, five years later, I am living that life and seeing what it is for real.

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